Reykjavík Sausage Company í Reykjavík

ÍslandReykjavík Sausage Company



🕗 opnunartími

8, Laugalækur, 105, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 561 2244
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.148211, Longitude: -21.884025

athugasemdir 5

  • Lulu Li

    Lulu Li


    Really delicious local sausage place. Not your ordinary Icelandic hot dog but actual gourmet sausages. Their Cole slaw is very good and ice cream was to die for!

  • en

    Nicholas Hanni


    An awesome, affordable, delicious shop. The sausage was amazing, the bread tasty and some of the best currywurst I've had! Not to mention the great ice-cream and lattes! We talked to one of the owners for a while and had a great conversation with her about traveling and Iceland and life in the country.

  • en

    stuart REIDS


    Quite simply the best hotdog I have ever had. So glad to have stumbled upon this little gem. The staff were very friendly and helpful and translated fantastically for me. You have to go here if you are ever in Reykjavik!!

  • Alexander Hudson

    Alexander Hudson


    This is a very small shop, but the people are very nice and the food is fine. I found the sausages tasted much like North American breakfast sausages. There is also an ice cream shop in the same location.

  • en

    Mark Blundell


    Very much a locals place with no English on the menu but friendly staff with excellent English. Had two hotdogs which cost 1500 ISK, which is expensive, but they were very good. They also do gelato/ice cream with a huge array of sweets and toppings.

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