VOX Restaurant í Reykjavík

ÍslandVOX Restaurant



🕗 opnunartími

2, Suðurlandsbraut, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 444 5050
website: www.vox.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1396919, Longitude: -21.8897229

athugasemdir 5

  • Angela Morales

    Angela Morales


    Estupendo restaurante, relación calidad precio buena,pagas caro pero la comida y el servicio lo valen... recomendable para una comida especial...

  • Freyja Gylfadóttir

    Freyja Gylfadóttir


    Always great food, great service, nice atmosphere.

  • Sarah Robinson

    Sarah Robinson


    We had dinner here on our trip to Iceland. It was so delicious! We had unique foods like horse and plaise, and it was incredibly delicious. The server was such a friendly young woman as well, and really helped us to make great selections we'd enjoy. Best of all, she picked the best wine to pair with each course, and it really was perfect. Our only complaint was just how shockingly expensive it all was. Like, $300 for two people for 2 apps and 2 entrees, plus wine pairings. But, hey, it's vacation, so go for it!

  • en

    Steinar Eyþór Valsson


    A good place but I feel like you are not always getting what you pay for. If you go to the Sunday brunch, you'll get your moneys worth. If, however, you get the buffet on weekdays the standard is a bit lower and it depends on the traffic how much variety they serve. The stand alone menu is OK but nothing great.

  • en

    James Redmond


    Having stayed at the Hilton all week we have eaten twice here. Firstly the service has been impeccable both occasions waiting staff are brilliant and food has always been prompt. The first time we ate we had more reasonable priced options of the burger and fish and chips both lovely and to a good standard even though being the cheaper meals on the menu. The second time we came in we went for the five course meal with paired wine. All five courses were delicious and paired with a lovely set of wines and one pale ale to start. We thoroughly enjoyed it and would highly recommend, don't be put off by the slighting increased price tag it is worth it!

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