Spirit Farm IS

ÍslandSpirit Farm


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🕗 opnunartími

Grafningsvegur Neðri, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 774 3677
website: spirit-farm.com
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.0348393, Longitude: -21.0055299

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Tiaan Calitz


    Spirt farm = 👌👌👌. A nice little awesome hostel vibe house, with private rooms. Its not far outside of Reykjavík, but it still gives you the outdoors/mountain experience. With a beautiful view of the mountains and the lake. There is a nice walk to a river with a little water feature, less than 1km from the house. But what really made visit was the people and the friendly staff and volunteers. They are extremely helpful and provided us with great advice regarding must see places. (Mike even saved places on our phone’s google maps) What made it even better was, that we got stuck because of the storm and they happily accommodated us for an additional night, even though they were fully booked. Last but not least, PUPPIES, the dogs living on the property (outside) are the friendliest dogs ever. They just love attention and they joined me for my morning run and for our hike (they even lead the way and showed us where to go) Overall = we loved our stay at “Spirt Farm”

  • en

    Tahlia Jasmine


    A home away from home 💛 a community of amazing people, beautiful scenery. Great for viewing northern lights.

  • Jesse Isaac

    Jesse Isaac


    Awesome place that makes you feel at home, especially when you miss your cat or dog. They have super friendly pets that you can pat. Their rooms are rather small but enough space to work with. Stayed here for one night. They community we stayed with was amazing. Very, very nice staff. Thank you for having us!

  • Heike Schmidt

    Heike Schmidt


    Ungezwungene Atmosphäre, ein Ort der Begegnung inmitten der atemberaubenden Natur Islands. Super gelegen für viele Sehenswürdigkeiten.

  • en

    Micaela C


    awesome place that has a homey feel & community vibe, the best northern lights & super cute animals :)

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