fish and chips i Njardvik

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Islandfish and chips



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Njardvik, Island
kontakter telefon: +354
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 63.9730274, Longitude: -22.5419112

kommentar 5

  • en

    Thu Dang


    I almost want to give these guys a 5, but they weren't quite "perfection". Value is good, quality of fish is good, portion size is good, chips are ok. But because the fish/batter was not "amazing" (IMO), nor were the chips , so I can't quite push them to a 5. However, I would happily recommend them over many other fish and chip places we've been to. They rank 2nd from the few places I tried here, but are definitely better than nearly anything I've tried in North America (even compared to east & west coast Canada).

  • en

    KC Massie


    Very fair prices compared to what the rest of iceland charges for food and drinks. Very good fish and chips as well. Good stop going to or leaving airport

  • Yan Hua Situ Zhou

    Yan Hua Situ Zhou


    I traveled through some part of Europe including UK and Ireland. I tried fish and chips in different places from Europe and the fish and chips from this place were the best ones I have ever tried. Their food is very tasty and their sauce makes a great combination with the fish and chips! If you are close to this place, definitely try it!!!

  • 沈瑞中




  • Firdaus Jumma't

    Firdaus Jumma't


    Ate this in our car during a rain. Wow absolutely delicious. The fish was just so tasty. I ate fish and chips in London and none were better than this! Do have a try. It is just behind bonus.

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