The Hot Dog Shake and Pylsa Stand i Reykjavík

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IslandThe Hot Dog Shake and Pylsa Stand


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8, Austurstræti, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
kontakter telefon: +354 561 2240
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Latitude: 64.1474255, Longitude: -21.9377044

kommentar 5

  • Clare del Rosario

    Clare del Rosario


    If you’re looking for relatively cheap but delicious food in Reykjavik, the hot dog stand is the go to place. 👍🏼

  • angelo gimenez

    angelo gimenez


    This hotdog is one of the best I have ever had!

  • Matt Uhlman

    Matt Uhlman


    Probably the best hot dog we’ve ever had! Get it with everything- onions, fries onions, ketchup, mayo and brown mustard. Very simple but very good. The crunch of the fried onions really makes a big difference and is now something we’re gonna try at home!

  • Baron Migs

    Baron Migs


    I had many a hot dog in Iceland. Most of them taste the same, but this one had the best presentation. Tasted yummy and the onions had a good fresh crunch to them

  • Dominik Wierl

    Dominik Wierl


    They guy who worked there was pretty funny! He made it even better. The hot dog was good and cheap!

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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