Guesthouse Álfar i Álftanes

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandGuesthouse Álfar



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Hólshraun 2, 220 Álftanes, Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 551 5196
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.0813865, Longitude: -21.9379364

kommentar 5

  • Tom Shumba

    Tom Shumba


    This place offers reasonable priced accommodation , given that Iceland is an expensive country. They offer self service free breakfast of cereals sandwiches fruits yogurt juice tea and coffee. They have cooking facilities but no oven. They have 2 shared bathrooms for about 10 rooms . If you need to leave early then you have to get up early. They have a lounge area were you can sit down and watch TV. The guest house is very close to the main road between Keflavik airport and Reykjavik town centre. KFC Taco bell , Bonus and Kronan are all close by you can walk if you like.

  • en

    Manu Girdonia


    Clean, quiet and highly efficient. Definitely recommend.

  • Zoe Wu

    Zoe Wu



  • Manuel Targa

    Manuel Targa


    Molto confortevole, un buon prezzo ed in una posizione strategica per degli spostamenti. Colazione inclusa, self-service, molto varia ed abbondante.

  • Treffyn Koreshoff

    Treffyn Koreshoff


    A slightly strange place that works really well. At first when following directions we thought we were in an industrial estate, but that actually works well, making the place quite large and quiet. It was self service in that you checked yourself in and helped yourself to breakfast from the fridge. Other people staying there also seemed pretty respectful of the whole setup. Great speed wifi, tasty breakfast, and pretty close to downtown, although you'll likely need a car to get here.

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