Norðurey Hotel Reykjavik Road i Hafnarfjordur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandNorðurey Hotel Reykjavik Road



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72, Reykjavikurvegur, 220, Hafnarfjordur, IS Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 540 9700
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.0803188, Longitude: -21.9482113

kommentar 5

  • Ciara Fran

    Ciara Fran


    We were given a very tiny room. Just enough space for a 2 person bed, a desk, a small closet - nothing more. I read a review where a guest said they couldn't open up their suitcase because there was no space. I could see that. Luckily we only had backpacks or we would've had the same problem. The room was reasonably clean. Walls are a bit thin. The opening and shutting of doors were very audible from our room. There's no blow dryer in the bathroom. I would consider this a place just to lay your head. Staff was friendly, check in and out were very quick and easy, and the breakfast the next morning was good. The price is very good compared to other hotels in the area. If you rent a car, it is worth it to stay here then drive to Reykjavik's center to tour around.

  • is

    Sigurdur Halldorsson


    Góð þjónusta

  • Ian Friend

    Ian Friend


    Minimalistic hotel on the outskirts of Reykjavik. Clean and tidy, room is good and bed comfy. Breakfast is continental only and no real complaints. Few little attention to detail points but largely a good place to rest your head. Be mindful though that this 5 miles from downtown Reykjavik and although bus links are very good (bus stop right outside hotel) it will cost you 460kr (£3.50) each way.

  • en

    Shawn Holmes


    Amazing stay . Me and my wife were there for 5 days and stayed on the 3rd floor, the room was amazing and the view was nice. TV had English channels and all appliances worked. Room service did a great job. Breakfast was nice but was the same every day. Staff was not the most helpful, they only recommended tours they got commission on and didn't know the surrounding area well.

  • is

    Hafsteinn Haraldsson


    Eina það sem vantaði var öryggis skápur

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