Hótel Örk i Hveragerði

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandHótel Örk



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Breiðumörk 1c, 810 Hveragerði, Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 483 4700
internet side: www.hotelork.is
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 63.996944, Longitude: -21.1921091

kommentar 5

  • Paoli Izquierdo

    Paoli Izquierdo


    Big hotel with heated pool and whirlpool. They have the typical Icelandic happy hour which includes wine! The hotel has a restaurant but there are one or two restaurants or bars within walking distance. The rooms are big and clean.

  • en

    Istvan Szabo


    Polite and friendly staff. Very clean and comfortable rooms. Excellent food in restaurant. Only downside was insufficient coffee & creamer sachets.

  • Retribution



    It's very good nice rooms and common room safe good however they could due with updatading the chairs and some of the common room things as they are old and dirty .

  • en

    Matt Barber


    Not what you would expect from a large hotel. Early 80s feel. Nice heated pool, hot tub and sauna.

  • Myles Carrera

    Myles Carrera


    Hótel Örk has world class facility from dining to then geothermal steam sauna. Drinks at the bar at average isk prices. They offer happy hour from 16:00-18:00 with specials for $5.00 Boli beers @ 5.3% Alcohol. They have a world class banquet hall that cost about $90 for 5 course buffet style dining with live music. The front desk.reception is very accommodating - they send up spare blankets and ring you hotel phone when you are able to see the northern lights from outside Hótel Örk! My personal favorite about this place is the steam sauna hut. The sauna is powered by Geo thermal which provides a unique natural detoxing feel for relaxation.

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