Skyr Guesthouse i Hveragerði

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandSkyr Guesthouse


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Breiðamörk, Hveragerði, IS Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354
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Latitude: 64.0012472, Longitude: -21.1847916

kommentar 5

  • fi

    Tuula Joof


  • KAL Aequitas

    KAL Aequitas


  • Jim Fandango

    Jim Fandango


  • Hina Malik

    Hina Malik


  • Jill Young

    Jill Young


    Hands down the best! We booked our stay on a complete whim as we wanted to stay somewhere with no cloud coverage so we can see the Northern Lights! It's about an hour away from Reykjavik and has many hot springs around the town. The town is cute and quaint, small but has a Bonus and a few restaurant options. We had room 13 (I think?) which was perfect. I loved the colors and the size was great. The Skyr Bistro downstairs was one of our best meals. Far from cheap (but what is in Iceland?) but very cozy, great bistro. Service was great. Our meals were fabulous. I would HIGHLY recommend staying here - it's along the Golden Circle, close to waterfalls and a perfect place to start or end your trip! It's about an hour from the Blue Lagoon! And we got to see the Northern Lights which was very special! Thanks!

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