Reiðhjólaverzlunin Berlin i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandReiðhjólaverzlunin Berlin



🕗 åbningstider

5, Geirsgata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
kontakter telefon: +354 557 7777
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 64.1508398, Longitude: -21.943857

kommentar 5

  • Stephen Carlsen

    Stephen Carlsen


    We needed a quick repair for our touring bikes. The owner kindly tightened the part and told me where get the tool I needed. Very kind and friendly. We returned later to look and talk more, and shop. While this store can probably do it all, it specializes in urban cycling, with great products in stock I'd only seen online. A quick fix, good coffee, chic cycle commuting gear, cyclist conversation--I only wish I had more room in my panniers. If you are an avid cyclist stop by.

  • Javier Gijón. Internacional Photographer

    Javier Gijón. Internacional Photographer


    Fantastics bikes and compliments.Great service and excellent coffe.Recomended

  • en

    Gerald Anderson


    Great shop, very good service, unique bikes, good selection of other products

  • Daniel Steiner

    Daniel Steiner


    The owner is welcoming and helpful, taking pride in providing a social atmosphere in his location. It's a stylish shop and we found some sweet Icelandic cycling jerseys. Go in and say hi. He will let you ride his old fashioned bikes.

  • en

    Mark Twomey


    For anybody interested in bikes and cycling this is a fascinating shop, the owners are both knowledgeable and helpful, even if you just need information. Great coffee too! Highly recommended.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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