Reykjavik Bike Tours i Reykjavík

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IslandReykjavik Bike Tours



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7, Ægisgarður, 101, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
kontakter telefon: +354 694 8956
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.151875, Longitude: -21.9429051

kommentar 5

  • Nick Hollingsworth

    Nick Hollingsworth


    The owner was a pleasure to meet and really helpful. Winter hire is by arrangement, but it was no hassle to quickly agree a time on the phone and he was there when he said he would be. We chatted for a while as he sorted out bikes and kit for us and he even gave us advice on where to go and what to see and marked up a map for us. Left to our own devices we wouldn't have gone round the western tip of land and seen Grotta and the lighthouse. Lots of peaceful roads; great way to explore; when we come back we will hire bikes for longer.

  • Francesco Baralli

    Francesco Baralli


    Very polite and efficient staff! Great

  • en

    A Kazu


    Pleasant renting experience. Friendly, helpful staff.

  • en

    leonie sherman


    I rented a bike for a month and could not have been happier with the service, treatment and price. The staff at this shop are incredibly helpful. They make sure you get the correct bike for your purposes and offer maps to suit your needs. They will spend time attending to any mechanical details and offer local advice, tips and suggestions if you want. The owner is very kind and reasonable and helpful. This is quite simply the best place to get a bike in Reykjavik and learn about the city from folks who only care about improving your experience. Can't recommend it highly enough.

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    Phil Collins


    Awesome Guide!!! We have had private guides all over the world, and Stefan is at the top of the list. We did not use him for a bike tour, but did use him for a private bus tour, and then took a Segway tour with him. he is absolutely professional, on time, very fun to be with, Great English speaking skills, funny, and extremely knowledgeable. The 7 of us ( my family ) used him last year ( Aug 2016 ) and this week ( May 2017 ), and had a blast. We tried to stump him on history, economics, science, or anything we could come up. He knew it all. He should, as we found out that he used to run the School for Guides in Iceland. His pricing is very reasonable, and I would recommend him without hesitation for Segways, bikes ( we saw his huge inventory ), bus tours, and anything else that he offers. I think my Family is planning another trip in the area, just so we could connect with Stefan again!! Call him today.

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