RVK Horizon i Gardabaer

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandRVK Horizon


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Hliðsnesvegur, Gardabaer, IS Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354
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Latitude: 64.0917616, Longitude: -22.0297593

kommentar 2

  • fr

    sandrine gottwald


    Maison très bien équipée.Bonne literie.Propriétaire attentionné.Photos prise sur place.

  • en

    Raegan Dexter


    My husband and I planned a once in a lifetime trip to Iceland from Chiccago. We were excited to stay here, but unfortunately our flight was cancelled. We stayed in constant contact with the owner of RVK HoriZon. We were unable to get on a new flight until a week later. Unfortunately the owner decided to keep our entire payment of $889.83. They must be hard up for money or something? We didn't stay there, we let them know from the airport that the flight was cancelled due to technical issues with the airline. Besides missing the trip of a lifetime we made a $900 mistake by Booking with RVK HoriZon . My advice is don't book here!

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