Uppsalir i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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12, Aðalstræti, 101, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 514 6000
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Latitude: 64.1474777, Longitude: -21.9424209

kommentar 5

  • Ric Loll

    Ric Loll


    Delicious small plates and fish stew. Subtle local artisanal flavors artfully presented by friendly staff. We are very glad we stopped.

  • Erin Kennedy

    Erin Kennedy


    I stopped in for lunch on a Friday afternoon and honestly I would come back to Iceland just for that burger! The place was pretty empty when I arrived. The prices are reasonable compared to a few more touristy spots. I got a glass of wine, the whale appetizer, and the burger. The whale was different but tasty. The burger blew my mind! Up there with the top 3 burgers I’ve ever had in my life. Everything about this place was on point. Definitely give it a try!

  • Zan Kavtaskin

    Zan Kavtaskin


    Great service, price and food. Very intimate place.

  • Anand Kumria

    Anand Kumria


    Service is a bit variable. Some staff clearly enjoy being helpful and nice, whilst others are punching in. We had three small plates: Camembert, Minke whale and Carpaccio. All lovely. A reasonable selection of cocktails and a good beer list.

  • Bridger Elliott

    Bridger Elliott


    Favorite bar so far in Reykjavik. Awesome staff, good selection of beers for Iceland, comfy establishment, looks like the food is decent, and connected to a hotel and restaurant.

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