Atlantic Apartments & Rooms í Reykjavík

ÍslandAtlantic Apartments & Rooms


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

14, Grensásvegur, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +44 20 7100 4522
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1317474, Longitude: -21.8745988

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Joyce Neeson


    Warm, cosy apartment. Good stay for a couple of nights with a small kitchen, hallo gen hob, microwave, kettle and fridge. We even had our own bathroom. Good for busses into Reykjavik. Close to 24 hour supermarket

  • Bella Nguyen

    Bella Nguyen


    Good for 1 night, feels a bit doggy but the beds were decent and there is a small cooking area. The place feels like a motel, could use some TLC.

  • Melanie Meisch

    Melanie Meisch


    I'm mainly giving 4 stars because the staff was extremely helpful and friendly. The rooms are ok for a two star hotel. We stayed for 5 nights and no one came to clean the room a bit or provide us with fresh towels. The rooms should be cleaned more frequently. In regards to the facilities I really liked the fact that there was a mini kitchen with the basic utilities so we could cook as well a few nights where the weather was too bad to go outside for dinner. The city centre is not in walking distance, especially when it snows. You have a bus stop near by (14,15 & 2) that drops you in the city centre.

  • fuckuppy



    The rooms are in the small side however they are all comfortable and warm it is close to many bus stations into the rest of the city however the first night i got here a naked African man barged into my room and yelled tastes greeeeeate then left i don't know either

  • en

    teo lo piparo


    Pretty good location served with all the necessary. Cooker in the room which is handy and very warm inside the room. The fan in the bathroom wasn't working making the shower a fog generator but apart from that it is still the best quality / price place to stay in Reykjavik. They also added a day to our schedule last minute. Friendly staff and good vibes for a 2 stars hotel.

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