Avis bílaleiga í Reykjavík

ÍslandAvis bílaleiga



🕗 opnunartími

10, Holtavegur, 104, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 591 4000
website: www.avis.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1415454, Longitude: -21.8472897

athugasemdir 5

  • Rose Morris

    Rose Morris


    Terrible! Lied about not adding additional insurance, then rushed me along so I couldn't check at the end. Also didn't give me the option to pay in ISK (FYI pay in their currency or they'll overcharge you). The car was OK, but all of them are white... Iceland is full of black volcanic rock, so not practical at all! Just avoid..

  • Ana Sanabria

    Ana Sanabria


    Muy buena experiencia. Rápidos y amables

  • de

    Tilman Gmeiner


    Kaum Wartezeiten und freundliches Personal. Zusatzversicherungen wurden angeboten aber nicht aufgedrängt. Wir bekamen ein Upgrade in eine höhere Wagenklasse aber dafür ein Auto mit 100000 km Laufleistung und einen ausführlichen Zustandsbericht, der auf unseren Wunsch am Auto durchgesprochen wurde. Rückgabe unkompliziert und Kaution mit 100 € auf der Kreditkarte sehr niedrig. Ein kostenloses Shuttle in die Innenstadt zum Wunschort wird angeboten.

  • Sam Speer

    Sam Speer


    We returned our car today from 5 days on the road. The car ran fantastically and we had an easy time renting and dropping it off. They even gave us a ride back into the city right to our B&B. No crazy charges to speak of. So far so good. Service on both ends was friendly, but very, very slow. Expect to spend over an hour there, even if you've booked your car in advance. :/

  • Gabi Matchett

    Gabi Matchett


    I cannot put into words the extent to which I have been manipulated by this company. They continue to charge me $600 for a less than penny sized star shaped crack, which I have taken a photo to many other auto glass professionals, who laugh at the audacity of this price and request. They say this type of chip is "the perfect candidate for repair" and that they were definitely taking advantage of me. They are refusing to take the case any further, and refusing to listen as they did in person when I spoke with them and they physically turned away from me as I requested this be repaired with a simple bonding instead of replacing the whole windshield. I suggest you never use this company in case of something very likely, as it was for me, happening to your car and them charging you double what you paid for the car in the first place. Not to mention they tried to charge me TWICE for the car itself and I had to argue with them for a LONG time to get that taken off. They know I'm a young female college student, who they have a good chance of manipulating since I am not the demographic that is knowledgeable about these kinds of things. I pay for my rent. I pay for my food. I pay for my education. I worked hard to be able to afford this trip for myself, and I was taken advantage of in order for sick extra financial profit. They do NOT respond to you after a point, they do NOT respond to you in a timely manner. I have had a chip this size on my own car, and it cost $10. It was very similar. So in conclusion, would not recommend this place to my worst enemy.

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