Átak Car Rental í Reykjavík

ÍslandÁtak Car Rental



🕗 opnunartími

Knarrarvogur 2, 104 Reykjavík, Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 554 6040
website: atak.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.128154, Longitude: -21.848159

athugasemdir 5

  • Kamil Gierczycki

    Kamil Gierczycki


    Wszystko przebiegło bezproblemowo. Dobra cena i wysoka jakość usługi. Samochód był sprawny i czysty. Obsługa miła i chętna do pomocy. Bez żadnych ukrytych opłat. Polecam!

  • Steven Erni

    Steven Erni


    Be aware ! I rent a car from atak at Keflavik International Airport. The personal is unfriendly and unpleasant. They tried to re sale me the "Super extra thing" insurance when I actually already had it... When I brought back the car I spoke with an American couple who had the same experience a few days before with Atak. They had to argue with the seller to convince him they had it...oh and by the way look at your windshield for any chip before you rent the car. It cost 240 USD for a small chip (2mm size)this couple paid the price for the mistake.

  • philippo nicolas

    philippo nicolas


    Bon loueur de voiture . Pas d'arnaque. Je conseille.

  • Stuart Richey

    Stuart Richey


    Rented a Toyota Land Cruiser from this company on a 12-day trip. Everything went smoothly, from the start to finish. The vehicle seemed to suck back gas, but the cost wasn't bad after splitting it with 4 people. There was enough room to fit 4 people with multiple bags very comfortably. Overall good experience.

  • Dolf Vermeulen

    Dolf Vermeulen


    Everything was as advertised, great clean vehicle, no hassles, would definitely recommend. After landing in Reykjavik we followed the instructions given to us by the rental agency, the free 5 minute shuttle was easy and convenient. Walking is also an option, not very far at all (max 10 minutes). Upon arriving we were greeted with free coffee and the lady at the service desk was very friendly and helpful. She gave us a few tips for sights to see along the journey and did a great job explaining what was and was not covered. One thing to note! Iceland is an absolutely beautiful country but the weather conditions can be very harsh. Do your research ahead of time, every rental company has optional upgrades for sand/ash damage, windshield coverage, etc. It is always possible that the weather/nature can cause damage to vehicles, especially in Iceland. I know a family friend that went there, shipped over his OWN motorbike, and the thing was written off due to a sandstorm. Because of this we opted for the full insurance package. It great to be able to enjoy Iceland with out the stresses of things that aren't in your control. We had a Toyota Land Cruiser 4x4 Diesel and it was awesome. It comfortably held 4 of us with camping/cooking gear, it allowed us to travel F Roads, see the highlands, get away from the crowds, and access incredible spots not otherwise possible. Only con I can think of is this car was fairly thirsty and fuel is not cheap in Iceland. On the other hand, with four people sharing costs it isn't a big deal.

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