Camping Cars Car Rental í Keflavík

ÍslandCamping Cars Car Rental



🕗 opnunartími

Njarðarbraut, 260, Keflavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 422 7770
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9711, Longitude: -22.5274594

athugasemdir 5

  • Nathan D

    Nathan D


    Truly the nicest people I have had the pleasure of renting from. I have traveled quite extensively and I have never received such quality customer service from anyone as I did from these lovely people. I cannot recommend the use of this service enough. They really went out of their way to accommodate us. The next time I am in Iceland I know who the first person I am going to call will be!

  • es

    Miguel Alonso


    Atención excelente, se preocupan por que todo vaya bien. El coche elegido bien, pero le falta automia para circular por las tierras altas o cualquier pista de tierra con más longitud de 100km.

  • en

    Phanat Nen


    Finding an affordable 4WD to travel Iceland was challenging and Camping Cars was the only ones that fit the needs. From when we landed to when we left, their service was above and beyond. My sister and I traveled to Iceland without a solid plan and wanted to do the ring road. When we went to pick up the car, they gave great advice for traveling since have the roads were closed. They suggested we switched out some things like needing a GPS and a sleeping bag with some things that weren't necessary without an extra charge. They also suggested we stopped by Reykjadalur hot springs which about 1-2 hour hike up the snowy mountain and was one of my favorite memories of the trip. If I ever visit again, I'd go in the fall when its camping weather and would rent from them again.

  • Maximilian Guy McNair MacEwan

    Maximilian Guy McNair MacEwan


    These guys are fantastic - we are hired a car (via from these guys. The service was great from the moment we landed in Iceland. There was a mistake in the booking but they were happy to help us get what we needed and went above and beyond in generosity making sure our time in Iceland was perfect. Thanks again guys! Truely great service.

  • en

    Laura F


    I had a fabulous experience renting from camping cars. They made the process incredibly easy and had excellent customer service. I would highly recommend them to friends and family! It was also a really fun way to see Iceland.

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