Galaxy Pod Hostel í Reykjavík

ÍslandGalaxy Pod Hostel



🕗 opnunartími

172, Laugavegur, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 511 0505
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.141602, Longitude: -21.9022101

athugasemdir 5

  • Andrew Watson

    Andrew Watson


    Friendly staff and the pods are very comfortable with nice facilities. And the walls covered in chalk are cool!

  • pat lad84

    pat lad84


    Clean and tidy. Safe & secure. Cheap and cheerful. What more do you want and need. Top hostel

  • Darren Rigg

    Darren Rigg


    This pkace was great. Nice communal areas and friendly staff. The pod are a great idea giving privacy with out the cost of a private. I'm 6'4 and had plenty of space inside.

  • Jen B

    Jen B


    So, this is a very mixed review and hopefully not a regular occurrence. I enjoyed my stay. The facility was clean, comfortable, and the pods were fantastic. However, everything I left in my LOCKED locker was stolen. I was staying for two nights, and during my day in between, I took my backpack with me, but left some things in my locker. When I returned later in the day, my locker was empty. I was shocked but thought maybe I had decided to put the things in my car after all. This was not the case and staff was not helpful--probably because there was nothing they could do because the items were stolen. I might stay again, but would not leave anything in the locked locker even when staying multiple days.

  • Danny Rowland

    Danny Rowland


    One of the most unique hostels I have stayed in. They have galaxy pods are amazing to sleep in. They have shelves for your stuff and a plug to charge things, a light for reading, a thick shade to pull down so you have full control of the environment in the pod. A lot of pods have fans and TVs as well. I is so cozy for sleeping that I want one in my house at home. The pod just makes you feel so safe and secure. On top of that the hostel has a nice kitchen and lockers for your things. The bathrooms are large and clean. The keys are electronic which is way better and more secure than normal metal keys. It is also in a good part of the city with easy walking access to everything.

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