Ítalía veitingahús í Reykjavík

ÍslandÍtalía veitingahús



🕗 opnunartími

11, Laugavegur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 552 4630
website: www.italia.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1463219, Longitude: -21.9315537

athugasemdir 5

  • Mark Hammond

    Mark Hammond


    Food was very tasty. Good choice and good portions. Felt a tad rushed but that may have been how we were on the day. As with everywhere in Iceland expensive. But ultimately would come back again.

  • en

    Kris G


    Very disappointing. I got number 15 which is supposed to be a 4 cheese rigatoni with broccoli for $30. It seems like they used Campbell’s cheese soup & sprinkled cheese on the top and there is barely any broccoli. It was horrible. My friends both got the lasagna & said it was “nothing special.” It’s nothing like Italian food. Skip this place when you are looking for somewhere to eat in Reykjavik.

  • Tiberius Szasz

    Tiberius Szasz


    Big plates but the pasta was underwhelming. Watery sauce, pasta not cooked enough with the sauce and not so good ingredients. We stopped at main courses. Really nice garlic bread and decor though.

  • en

    Mark Ostrowski


    having just come from vicenza a couple months ago, we were extremely surprised to learn that the chef (and i believe the owner) were from there as well. so we had high expectations on dinner - and we were not disappointed. the servings were large (we split a meal and still barely finished it all) and extremely tasty. did not do any appetizer, but went straight into the main course and extremely thankful that we did (we would never have finished both). by the time we left, the place was packed, so i imagine that it gets crowded here - but worth the wait...

  • nl

    Pieter Niesing


    Erg lekkere pizza's, bijna zoals je ze in Italië ook krijgt. Maakt gebruik van verse producten en is erg gezellig. Je kunt in de keuken kijken en de pizza's worden voor je ogen gemaakt (Met steenoven). Prijzen zijn gemiddeld.

næsta Veitingahús

📑 öllum flokkum

Almenn verktakaAlmenningsgarðurApótekAtmBakaríBankBarBensínstöðBlómabúðByggingavöruverslunBílaleigaBílastæðiBílaviðgerðirBílaþvotturBíll söluaðilaBókabúðBókasafnBókhaldCasinoDómstólaDýragarðinumDýralæknahjálpFasteignasalaFatabúðFerðaskrifstofaFiskabúrFjármálFlugvöllurForsendaFæra fyrirtækiGeymslaGistingGæludýrabúðHeilsaHeimavöruvörurHindu TempleHjólabúðHverfinuHár umhirðuHáskóliHúsgagnaverslunJarðarförKaffihúsKeilusalurKirkjanKirkjugarðurKjörbúðKvikmyndahúsLandLeikvangurLeiðListagalleríLásasmiðjaLæknirLíkamsræktLögfræðingurLögreglaMaturMatur afhendinguMatvöruverslunMatvöruverslun eða kjörbúðMinjasafnMoskaMálariMáltíðirNáttúrulegur eiginleikiNæturklúbburPípulagningarmaðurPósthúsRafeindabúnaðurRafvirkiRv garður, tjaldsvæðiRáðhúsSamkunduhúsiðSendiráðSjúkrahúsSjúkraþjálfariSkartgripaverslunSkemmtigarðurSkrifstofa sveitarfélagaSkóbúðSkóliSlökkviliðsstöðSnyrtistofaSpaStaðsetningStjórnsýslusvæði stig 1Stjórnsýslusvæði stig 2StofnunStoppistöðSubpremiseTannlæknirTaxi standaTilbeiðslustaðurTjaldsvæðiTransit stationTryggingastofnunUndirflokk 1VeitingahúsVerslunVerslunarmiðstöðVerslunarmiðstöðÁfengis drykkjarvöru verslunÁhugaverðir staðirÞvottahús