Kaffihús Vesturbæjar í Reykjavík

ÍslandKaffihús Vesturbæjar



🕗 opnunartími

20, Melhagi, 107, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 551 0623
website: www.kaffihusvesturbaejar.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1440418, Longitude: -21.9611658

athugasemdir 5

  • Destiny Iceland

    Destiny Iceland


    Lovely, cosy ambiance and nice coffee. Pleasant and helpful staffs.

  • Trenton Sanders

    Trenton Sanders


    Everything was fantastic. The atmosphere, selection, drinks, and service were all very good. Great location with easy parking. Free Wi-Fi.

  • sarah conway

    sarah conway


    We were recommended this place tonight by our hotel as it was close by & we were short on time, and I’m so glad they did as it was amazing! It was super cosy & the atmosphere was great, mainly locals which I loved. Low lighting & great music playing in the background. You take a seat & order at the bar, the menu is on the wall ....in Icelandic but I asked the girl at the counter to help & she very kindly translated it for us!! Thank you I didn’t take your name! I had the fish of the day which came with potatoes, capers & tomatoes. My mum had the pear salad, both were incredible & it cost 5800 krona. Overall very impressed & will definitely go back!

  • Serena Dzenis

    Serena Dzenis


    I love this cafe. Very cosy and warm. Food is delicious. Decor is stylish. It’s across the road from my local swimming pool and with a bakery next door, so even better! Worth meeting friends here for a lovely catch up. It is also open late. Ample parking around.

  • Wendy Martinez

    Wendy Martinez


    Very nice service. The food was good. I had a burger and my husband had a rib eye. Both came with fries and the steak a also had salad.

næsta Kaffihús

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Almenn verktakaAlmenningsgarðurApótekAtmBakaríBankBarBensínstöðBlómabúðByggingavöruverslunBílaleigaBílastæðiBílaviðgerðirBílaþvotturBíll söluaðilaBókabúðBókasafnBókhaldCasinoDómstólaDýragarðinumDýralæknahjálpFasteignasalaFatabúðFerðaskrifstofaFiskabúrFjármálFlugvöllurForsendaFæra fyrirtækiGeymslaGistingGæludýrabúðHeilsaHeimavöruvörurHindu TempleHjólabúðHverfinuHár umhirðuHáskóliHúsgagnaverslunJarðarförKaffihúsKeilusalurKirkjanKirkjugarðurKjörbúðKvikmyndahúsLandLeikvangurLeiðListagalleríLásasmiðjaLæknirLíkamsræktLögfræðingurLögreglaMaturMatur afhendinguMatvöruverslunMatvöruverslun eða kjörbúðMinjasafnMoskaMálariMáltíðirNáttúrulegur eiginleikiNæturklúbburPípulagningarmaðurPósthúsRafeindabúnaðurRafvirkiRv garður, tjaldsvæðiRáðhúsSamkunduhúsiðSendiráðSjúkrahúsSjúkraþjálfariSkartgripaverslunSkemmtigarðurSkrifstofa sveitarfélagaSkóbúðSkóliSlökkviliðsstöðSnyrtistofaSpaStaðsetningStjórnsýslusvæði stig 1Stjórnsýslusvæði stig 2StofnunStoppistöðSubpremiseTannlæknirTaxi standaTilbeiðslustaðurTjaldsvæðiTransit stationTryggingastofnunUndirflokk 1VeitingahúsVerslunVerslunarmiðstöðVerslunarmiðstöðÁfengis drykkjarvöru verslunÁhugaverðir staðirÞvottahús