Ida Zimsen í Reykjavík

ÍslandIda Zimsen



🕗 opnunartími

Grófin, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 511 5004
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1489313, Longitude: -21.9414481

athugasemdir 5

  • Kate Hamm

    Kate Hamm


    Fantastic place to take a moment to sit down and sip on a flat white between Reykjavik adventures. The seating is very relaxing, the facilities clean, and we felt welcomed to be leisurely. Definitely a win!

  • Julia Smith

    Julia Smith


    We stopped here expecting it to be more of a bookshop but in fact it's mostly a cafe with books and gifts. We nabbed some comfy chairs by a window which was perfect for watching the snow outside! The carrot cake was great as was the coffee. Quite quiet inside with most people working on laptops, so we felt like we couldn't really chat but it was a nice moment of calm during our busy trip. Good free newspaper the Grapevine which was in English and very interesting with information on Reykjavik and a great interview with the new Prime Minister.

  • Justina Fakejevaite

    Justina Fakejevaite


    Great coffee, wonderful atmosphere and free coffee refills! Love this place!

  • Heike L

    Heike L


    This is a unique little cafe. Sitting between books and other things and enjoying the cafe and the view of it too. It's for all different age groups too. Very liked by tourists and locals.

  • Sonny Johnson

    Sonny Johnson


    Really nice (and tall) Latte in a lovely book shop come Cafe. Staff were also very friendly. Would highly recommend this as a place to relax, read your book and drink a coffee.

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