Reykjavík Maritime Museum í Reykjavík

ÍslandReykjavík Maritime Museum



🕗 opnunartími

8, Grandagarður, 101, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 411 6340
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1531055, Longitude: -21.9501491

athugasemdir 5

  • Boss Hoss

    Boss Hoss


    A very historical site to visit. Right in the heart of down town Reykjavík it's a great place to stop by and admire some of the history of ships and the maritime of Iceland. I was a big fan of the museum and some of the restaurants around it. There are also lots of ships sitting outside that you can walk up to and view. All around great experience, will be back for sure!

  • Trevor Preddy

    Trevor Preddy


    Detailed and extensive collection of maritime artifacts from Icelandic history with excellent integration of both Icelandic and English languages. Free entry with Reykjavik City Card. Interactive and visual exhibits engaging for children.

  • Richard Turney

    Richard Turney


    Great place to visit. Pity there's an entry fee but its worth it. Best museum of its type we have ever visited . Very new, Very nice.

  • James Symons

    James Symons


    Quite a small museum mostly focused on the commercial fishing industry. It has some good displays of tools and fish heads (See pics) There are some rather grizzly machines from a fish processing plant. Worth a little look round if you like this kind of thing but I'm not sure that I'd go out of my way for it. That said I really like my photo of the fish heads so it was worth it.

  • Daniel MacCabe

    Daniel MacCabe


    If you're interested in the history of Reykjavik or their fishing industry, then you'll love this. It's good for kids and is easily the first or second best museum in the city. I highly recommend it. They also have a wonderful restaurant on the ground floor. The National Museum of Iceland is also highly recommended.

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