Skúli Craft Bar í Reykjavík

ÍslandSkúli Craft Bar



🕗 opnunartími

9, Aðalstræti, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 519 6455
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1474862, Longitude: -21.9415589

athugasemdir 5

  • Thomas Thompson

    Thomas Thompson


    A wonderful local craft bar, 14 draft beers plus many in bottles and cans. Limited pub menu.

  • Mark Maynard

    Mark Maynard


    Very cool little bar that is hidden away from the Ingolfstorg, there is a good selection of craft beers to choose from although I'd recommend getting there before 7pm to take advantage of happy hour.

  • Kyle Sietsema

    Kyle Sietsema


    Great place for a craft beer. We went to Micro Bar first thinking that was the place, but Skuli had more taps for way better prices

  • Reinier Vos

    Reinier Vos


    I love craft beer and went looking for a craft beer cafe in Reykjavik, ending up at Skúli Craft Bar. They have many Icelandic/Scandinavian beers on the draft and even have an untappd badge! The bar is just outside the busy nightlife of Reykjavik so makes up for a very comfortable place to enjoy your beer with friends. I can of course (as a Dutchman) complain about the high price of the beers, but that's just part of the game here in Iceland.

  • N T

    N T


    Skúli is sort of hidden from the busy parts of Reykjavik, which is nice. They have a very good draft beer selection with reasonable prices, as well as some hard to find bottles even in America. The bar snacks were quite good, too. The staff was very friendly and willing to chat when they weren't busy. It was a nice mix of locals and tourists each time we went. They even have a free arcade machine with over 1000 games, plus a couple of Cards Against Humanity boxes.

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