Te & Kaffi i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandTe & Kaffi



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Kringlunni 4-12, 3 hæð, 103 Reykjavík, Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 527 2887
internet side: www.teogkaffi.is
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Latitude: 64.13124, Longitude: -21.8935721

kommentar 5

  • Sigurður Jónsson

    Sigurður Jónsson


    Spent 30 minutes waiting for a roasted bagel, double cappochino, toast and a chocolate cake with my family. We gave up and asked for the chocolate cake for my son early after about 20 minutes of waiting. It was old. That is the cake was hard from age. Then the remainder arrived the toast was cold, the cappocino foam was fallen after it had been standing for a while. But the bagel was crispy atleast we had that going for us. Overpriced, disorganized and super slow service 10/10 wont go again.

  • Jens Gunnarsson

    Jens Gunnarsson


    Good idea for this coffee. Like outdoor, but indoor. Possible to look at other shoppers pass buy.

  • Gal Amir

    Gal Amir


    The staff is super nice. The drinks are nice, sort of the Starbucks of Iceland (not as great though). Had the pumpkin spice latte which was ok and the matcha latte which was horrible. They get 3 starts for the service only.

  • Stefán Sigmar Símonarson

    Stefán Sigmar Símonarson


    Very cosy atmosphere and good coffee! A fantastic place to rest your feet after a hard day of shopping in the Kringlan!

  • Anton



    Wonderful cappuccino! Smooth, aromatic and well roasted beans. Nice calm feel and cool furniture.

nærmeste Cafe

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