Málum og Skálum i Kópavogi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandMálum og Skálum



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6, Auðbrekku, Kópavogi, IS Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 695 8844
internet side: malumogskalum.is
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Latitude: 64.1133604, Longitude: -21.9014019

kommentar 1

  • Charlotta Sverrisdottir

    Charlotta Sverrisdottir


    Create your own suovenir from Iceland. A visit to an icelandic artist´s studio. Find your inner talent and create your own Picasso´s painting by painting a painting at an artists studio. Newer done a painting before? Don´t be afraid. I will help you every step on the way. I´m inviting you to my studio for one evening to paint a painting with acrylics, 40 x 50 cm, which you bring home with you as a suovenir from Iceland. You may bring your own wine or beer with you. It´s fun art, not fine art. All material is included. I can promise you that you will have a wonderful time. Night classes on Thuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, at 7-10 pm. Who am I? My name is Charlotta Sverrisdóttir. I´m an icelandic artist, educated from California and the art school in Kópavogur. I have my studio in Auðbrekka 6, Kópavogur. I´m a member in two artists assosiations, one in Garðabær and the other one in Kópavogur. I have attened many exhibiations, solo and with others. I´m a member in Art 67 gallery at Laugarvegur 61, Reykjavík. I invented this event, Málun og skálum or Paint and sip, in 2016. It´s the first event of its kind here in Iceland. #1 in Iceland „It´s fun art, not fine art“

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