Tjaldsvæðið Laugardal i Reykjavík

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IslandTjaldsvæðið Laugardal


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8, Laugarásvegur, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
kontakter telefon: +354 568 6944
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.1455295, Longitude: -21.8743441

kommentar 5

  • Cason Butcher

    Cason Butcher


    Great stay. WiFi had a huge range and was very fast.

  • Matěj Zapletal

    Matěj Zapletal


    Biggest camping site in Reykjavik, quite crowded in the main season. Good facilities. It is situated near the city center. Good connection to the bus terminal.

  • Machs World

    Machs World


    Of the many places I could have chosen to stay in Reykjavik I am most glad that Ip stayed here, in my opinion this is one of the most well equipped camping sites in all of Iceland, they not only have a cooking area with stoves and many other cooking items but they have well cared for restrooms and showers, the staff are nice and understanding, if you want to do anything in the city it is only a short walk away from the camping site.

  • Aleksandra Nowak

    Aleksandra Nowak


    Quite nice camping, but really crowdly. Close to city center. Showers are included. Nice kitchen and dinning room. Small parking. Lots off free camp stuff to take, specially camp gas

  • Ирина Бражникова

    Ирина Бражникова


    Huge camping. Cars are allowed, many places to put tents. Warm kitchen with free WiFi, warm water in the showers not limited, clean enough. Personnel is friendly and helpful. There it's a habit of free food and free staff, left by tourists

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