SADcars Reykjavik office í Reykjavík

ÍslandSADcars Reykjavik office



🕗 opnunartími

Knarrarvogur 2, 104 Reykjavík, Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 577 6300
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1279814, Longitude: -21.8480318

athugasemdir 5

  • Oliver Peckham

    Oliver Peckham


    Had a very cheap, no-fuss experience with SADcars. They shuttled us from the airport quickly and got us set up with our car within a half hour. The car worked beautifully throughout our stay and returning it was painless. Highly recommended!

  • Ivan Fosin

    Ivan Fosin


    Overall, our experience with SAD cars was positive. We got an amazing 4x4 cars for a very attractive price. I reckon the same car would cost us at least 2x with any other rental company in Iceland. The car was duly maintained and clean. The only complaint we have is that we haven't received any notification by mail about moving the premises to another location in Reykjavik. Same happened when we tried to return the car to the premises close to the airport, which were closed! And we were so stressed out because we had to catch the flight. The staff were nice, however you can get the impression that this is a low-cost company. Nevertheless, we would use their services again. It's totally worth it!

  • en

    takumi saito


    we have arrived on time but we had to wait about an hour to rent a car because there had no sad car stuff at the office at that time. but as the office situated in a bus hostel so we could wait in a comfortable caffeteria. sad cars stuff was nice enough to tell us everything about road conditions or nice spot to go with child.we are satisfied with renting a car from them.

  • Johanna Erhard

    Johanna Erhard


    Very Good Experience with sadcars! The staff is just so nice. We called them in the morning because we spontaneous wanted to rent a car. They said "sure, we can pick you up at 12 o'clock at your hotel" and so it was. Arriving at their office it was very uncomplicated and we got a very nice cheap car. It was pretty new as well. Two days later we had to give the car back :( we asked the pretty lady where the next bus stop is because we wanted to go to the city centre. Another guy from the crew said if we wait a few minutes he can take us with him because he drives in the centre anyways :) Thank you guys for everything :) (Already missing the car :( :D)

  • Ryan Washichek

    Ryan Washichek


    This is an interesting place to rent from. All of their cars are second hand so they all are a little rough around the edges. We rented from them two different times. The first time we got a Toyota RAV4 and it was literally on its last leg. Our experience with that car was not good. Instead of enjoying the sites I was more worried about if the car would make it up the hill. After returning that car I asked if for our next rental we could get something a little more reliable as we planned to do lots of driving on our second leg. SADcars came through and gave us a newer vehicle, which actually turned out to be great! My suggestion would be if you decide to go with SADcars to email them prior if you plan on doing lots of driving so that way you may get a better vehicle. If you plan to just drive around the city I think any of their vehicles will work. I found having a car with cruise control was a life saver for the long drives. Overall the experience was okay. I would probably go with a different company if I did this again, but they were very quick and attentive to my concerns, which I appreciate.

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