Campervan Iceland - Reykjavík Office í Reykjavík

ÍslandCampervan Iceland - Reykjavík Office



🕗 opnunartími

Malarhöfði 2b, 110 Reykjavík, Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 539 0618
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1247015, Longitude: -21.8347773

athugasemdir 5

  • Eduardo Prieto

    Eduardo Prieto


    Motorola en muy buenas condiciones, casi nueva. Atención excelente tanto durante la reserva como en la recogida y la devolución. Nos llevaron de vuelta al hotel una vez la dejamos

  • David Jensen

    David Jensen


    We rented an RV from Campervan Iceland and spent 7 days travelling around the island with it. I think that the RV had less than 1,000 miles on it and looked brand spanking new. Our experience from pickup, use, and return was all favorable. This is really the best way to see the country since you can drive along at your own pace and don't have to worry about getting to a certain hotel or guest house by a certain time. We had no trouble finding a place to stay every night. There are places that you could stay for free, I'm sure, but we usually stayed at campsites that cost us about $10/person if I'm not mistaken. One of the unexpected things that turned out to be fantastic was that they provided us a tablet that had unlimited cellular WiFi and it doubled as a hot spot. We had cellular service throughout most of the ring road so we were never far away from Facebook, Hangouts, etc. I have nothing but praise for the service that we experienced.

  • en

    Keith Benninghoff


    Delivered everything they promised and more and their service and response were impeccable. When I left a camera lens in the van they had someone drive over to the shop at 8:00 am and get it for me right before my flight. We got all the insurance which is a good investment when renting a car or van from anyone in Iceland. Liability for the renter is much higher there than other countries and your own car insurance typically will not cover your rental in Iceland. Would definitely rent again.

  • en

    Chris Devlin


    I rented from Campervan Iceland and was impressed with the whole experience. While traveling I spoke with others who rented from other companies and compared notes. Campervan Iceland was the best in terms of service and price. I'll used them again when I go back to Iceland.

  • Donna Sales-Smith

    Donna Sales-Smith


    Highly recommended. Fantastic camper and service! Available at all hours for support. Thank you for a wonderful experience in Iceland!

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