Café Babalú í Reykjavík

ÍslandCafé Babalú



🕗 opnunartími

22, Skólavörðustígur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 555 8845
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1442523, Longitude: -21.9303365

athugasemdir 5

  • Dona Kinsman

    Dona Kinsman


    This place is amazing. Best breakfast I've had in Iceland. My friend and I had 3 separate things and shared, and everything was amazing. The croissants here are better than a lot of places I went in Paris. Go here.

  • Trevor Preddy

    Trevor Preddy


    Cozy, kitschy local coffee shop in Iceland. Delightful menu. Strongly recommend their Irish Coffee, which isn't listed on the menu. Also be sure to keep in mind additional seating available upstairs with great views of the street through the windows.

  • Burt Melzer

    Burt Melzer


    Great coffee shop that I wish we had one similar to us back where we live. It's a great little place to sit down and enjoy yourself and some great coffee and snacks. If you're in the area and looking for a place to sit down and relax then this is it. They are very nice and helpful there and make some delicious coffee.

  • F B

    F B


    Nice hot chocolate, friendly staff. The issue, it was strong smell of oil inside the cafe. But again the drink was nice enough to get 5 star.

  • Scot Tanner Bucholz

    Scot Tanner Bucholz


    I must say this coffee house is incredible. The gal from Australia was really fun to talk with. The staff is very accommodating for people from all around. The food was reasonably priced and great tasting! We ate and drank there a lot. Free Wifi is nice. The only issue is the steps to get upstairs as they are steep. This is a second story coffee shop with couches and tables. It has a small balcony for the summer. Tea and coffee comes out with great presentation. I also, appreciated that this is a gay/gay friendly coffee house. Great atmosphere for a holiday in Reykjavik, Iceland!!!!

næsta Kaffihús

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