City Car Rental í Reykjavík

ÍslandCity Car Rental



🕗 opnunartími

Hverfisgata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 771 4200
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1441152, Longitude: -21.9159042

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Mark Tomworth


    Midnight pick up, smiley employees and nice car with good price. Was careful on choosing car and had no problems. They give old cheap cars and good new cars with a fair price.

  • en

    xyz abc


    Cheap but horrible!! Yes they are cheap...but thats it. An old car can still be fine - no problem with this. But their cars are in no good condition anymore. I rented a SUV for going to the mountain roads and the car broke in the middle of nowhere for no reason ( no damage or something like this). They need hours just to deal with it and send a replacement car. And this took hours and hours again. I had to wait literally almost one day! Sometimes something on a car can broke, so far so good. But how they were dealing with it, was inacceptable. Furthermore the car had several other failures, e.g. the ventilation, the rear windshild wiper and heating or the really bad tires. Even the (I have to admit much better and newer) replacement car had worn out tires. I had on a perfect paved road during medium rain allready aqua planning . So not really safe... But if you recieve your car, these are partly things you cannot detect within minutes to complain. (And even if you do...would you deny the car in the middle of the night and can not start your holiday??) Afterwards there was no excuse, no reaction to several Emails, etc. At least the pick-up to and from the airport worked. So, Summary: Neglected cars, security related defects ,worst service. If you need a really cheap car you might take a look. But take a really close look. And just plan on bad experiences if something happens.

  • en

    Addi Gisla


    This is 3. time using C.C. Car Rental and as before Good service and NO problem and last bat not least Good price. You jest have to know what kind of Land You are coming to drive in. If You do ,, this is the Car Rentals Price vice for shore.

  • Kris Bex

    Kris Bex


    No help at airport return. No one there. No answer on phone. 6 am. No one anywhere. Not on any number. Not even the emergency number. Nothing. Had to find a taxi, not easy. Cost an additional $50. Do NOT use them.

  • Matt Cocomise

    Matt Cocomise


    Long story short, you pay less than others but make sure you're tires are not bald before heading out. When driving around the island you will likely be driving on lots of stone. We had our tire explode because they gave us tires that were nearly bald on the inside(not visible) part of the tires, right after getting off of snaefellsjokul mt. they replaced our car promptly in the middle of the night. It's cheaper here because they fix their own older cars and send them off. Good service as long as you check the tires before you go.

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