Hertz Car Rental Iceland í Reykjavík

ÍslandHertz Car Rental Iceland



🕗 opnunartími

Flugvallarvegur, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 522 4400
website: www.hertz.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.131764, Longitude: -21.924653

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Rob Johnson


    Terrible, they own FIREFLY, I had a missed flight and a car that was already prepaid for, they gave it away! Totally unacceptable!

  • Peter Farrell

    Peter Farrell


    Easy return process and friendly staff. There is a shuttle service that will take you to your hotel or the airport as needed.

  • Rita Westergaard

    Rita Westergaard


    venlig og hjælpsom personale, ordentlig udlejning, ligger lidt uden for byen.

  • en

    Natalie Louise


    What you've read about terrible service and huge charges for small damages at this company are all true. We saw a perplexed couple being told they'd have to fork out $900 US dollars despite paying for additional insurance for a door ding that nobody could actually see. We waited over an hour to pick up a car we'd reserved weeks in advance. When we dropped it back off, there were no shuttles to take us to the airport because they were "too busy" to drive them. Navigating our way in the pouring rain, before sunrise on foot from the return office to the arrivals gate was no fun given that there are no sidewalks or pedestrian crossings. Anyone with mobility issues or traveling with small children would find this impossible. Give this one a hard pass.

  • en

    Ivar D


    Easy pickup, desk is at the airport and after 5 minutes of forms I was in the car which was parked right outside. Car was very new (5000km). When I returned the car I was not able to refuel, as the pump at the airport did not accept my card. I did not have time to drive to another fuel station so I left the car with an empty tank. There was no employee there because it was the middle of the night. To my gratitude, I was not fined for not refuelling and they just charged me with the fuel. Great job Hertz!

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