www.carrentalsiniceland.com í Reykjavík




🕗 opnunartími

Lækjargata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 445 8081
website: www.carrentalsiniceland.com
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1472028, Longitude: -21.9367255

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Julie L


    We had a great winter adventure. Car was good and we had no problems. It was quite reassuring to have a 4x4 in January. Snow and ice everywhere but the winter tires had studs so we where quite safe. Will use again.

  • Sigridur Alma Gudmundsdottir

    Sigridur Alma Gudmundsdottir


    Vi har fået super god service og betjening hos firmaet og vil helt sikkert bruge dem igen i nærmeste fremtid, samt fortælle andre venner, familie og andre rejsende hvor de kan forvente at få god betjening 👍🏻

  • Estelle Plante

    Estelle Plante


    I rented through this website for my trip in Iceland. Customer service is very satisfying and communication is easy-going. They have been able to reply to all of my questions. Once we arrived, we got our car as in the description and we did not get any mechanic issue. Great experience overall and I would recommend this company to my friends and family for their trip to Iceland 🇮🇸👍

  • en

    Marianne Juul


    Great customer service. We had the windscreen wiper motor break down far away from Reykjviik and called for help. We where told to drive to next garage and have it fixed. Took only an hour to get us back on the road. All communication is super fast and helpful. We will use again if we ever com back. Great price and service.

  • AZ Backpack ME

    AZ Backpack ME


    We had a great experience with Car Rentals in Iceland. We used them and their sister company Iceland On The Web as a one-stop shop to get a vehicle + book activities during our Iceland trip. We tried 2 different vehicles during 2 legs of our trip, and were very happy with how new and well maintained the cars were. The service was friendly and efficient and we thought it was a really nice touch that they go the extra mile to send you travel warning messages on the days that the weather was a little rough. If anyone out there is worried about driving during winter though, please don't be! Get a good car, and take it easy... roads are plowed all the time and it's relatively easy to get around! :)

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