Procar í Reykjavík




🕗 opnunartími

13, Skúlagata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 551 7000
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1462059, Longitude: -21.9205637

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Zbyszek Zdankiewicz


    Our experience with Procar was nothing short of exceptional. Their simplified menu of cars to choose from makes picking the car that's right for you a lot easier and faster. Prices are reasonable. Our car was clean, had low mileage and was very well maintained. The staff was extremely polite and helpful. We needed to return the car to the different location - airport. We dropped off the car at their location nearby the airport and after maybe a 5-10 minute wait were driven to the airport. Everything on time, and most importantly overall no-hassle experience with this company,.

  • Gilles Fines

    Gilles Fines


    I rented a camper van thingy from this place and hit the road! A little expensive and the service was shifty, but the van survived the trip. I think it could be cheaper, but there aren't a lot of options in the area. I chose this one because it was close to my hotel.

  • en

    Chris marley


    Picked up from hotel, cars in stock ready to go. Prices were reasonable and cars in good condition. All options were explained including damage costs. We opted for full insurance. Overall a decent service with no problems.

  • en

    Fifi Zhang


    Friendly staffs. Reserve online to get better rates compared with rates at the counter. Possibility to drop off the car by the airport, and no delays with getting driven to the terminal by shuttle.

  • Jonathan Gordon

    Jonathan Gordon


    Really nice people who answered all of our (extensive) questions. They were nice enough to give us a car even when the UK government website was completely wrong with my driving licence details (I did have all the correct documentation). The man at the desk then gave us a lift back to our hotel when he didn't have to, and then spent about 10 minutes afterwards telling us all about the Reykavijk recommendations.

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