Islands Nationalmuseum í Reykjavík

ÍslandIslands Nationalmuseum



🕗 opnunartími

41, Suðurgata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 530 2200
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1416463, Longitude: -21.9485701

athugasemdir 5

  • Vitalij Spakov

    Vitalij Spakov


    Contains a lot of information on Iceland's history: how it came to be and how it developed throughout ages. Would recommend it to anyone who is visiting Reykjavik as you can go through entire thing in a few hours. This museum is free if you bought "City card" from tourist information center. Entrance price ~2500 ISK

  • Joshua Herbert

    Joshua Herbert


    Wow, this is a must stop place on your travels. I great way to learn about the country and its rich history. I would say go here first before seeing anything else in Iceland. This way you can appreciate the country better. The museum it's self is small but they have filled it with knowledge and artifacts, not a great place to being very young kids but I would say 12 and up. Great place. They have a lot to see, set aside a 6 hours for this place. It is located very centrally and parking is free and easy.

  • en

    Dan Minster


    The National Museum was a nice addition to the assortment of museums and locations that we went to to learn about the history and culture of Iceland. There are some amazing Viking collection pieces, and the small dress-up room is fun. Tips: free entry included with Reykjavik City Card; there are free lockers; set aside 1.5-2.5 hours here.

  • Lulu Li

    Lulu Li


    Really cool museum with a ton of history and amazing stuff. You can easily spend 2+ hours there. It's self-paced so you can go faster or slower, whatever you feel like.

  • en

    Mat Richardson


    Many people visit Iceland with only the island itself in mind, yet the history of the people on the island have a rich and varied history so tied to the land that it is seemingly difficult to separate them. The National Museum is the best example of this, filled with treasures of the past and examples of how the people eked out an existence on the unforgiving islands before thriving as they do today. It largely features religious relics (the first bible written in Icelandic, as well as many other items tied to the rise of Lutherism), and information on their links to Norway and Denmark. There does seem to be gaps, with large periods of Iceland's internal history seemingly forgotten or ignored. Perhaps, this is because of how linked it was to the Old World. Either way, the Museum itself covers the entire history of Iceland, despite varied depths. It is a must see in Reykjavik, for a greater understanding of how the Icelanders adapted to the island they now thrive on.

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