Listasafn Reykjavíkur Reykjavík Art Museum í Reykjavík

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ÍslandListasafn Reykjavíkur Reykjavík Art Museum



🕗 opnunartími

17, Tryggvagata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 411 6400
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1491393, Longitude: -21.9409376

athugasemdir 5

  • Quim Jiménez Tauste

    Quim Jiménez Tauste


    xo ciero ce me rexpondan mis mexages ya xii ño ño boll

  • en

    Sam Dunscombe


    Very cool contemporary art museum showing some of Iceland's modern and weirdest artist. It's small but had a great time here!

  • en

    Wil Spaedt


    First off, I must say the building is gorgeous. The galleries are arranged in a fantastic way, I loved that part of it. I feel almost bad for the low rating, because I did not want to be reviewing the art, but here I am. I'm a fan of modern and contemporary art, the upper level had some exhibitions of fair work. One series of pencil sketches was literally an assignment I was given in art school in 1999, and it did feel more like a student show than a national level gallery. My main gripe is with the main gallery showing of Erro's work. Almost all his contemporary work is doing a small collage and then recreating it as a large scale painting, which is fine, but nearly every piece of this work is based off comic book art by Jack Kirby, and Kirby is credited no where. It's immensely distasteful and disrespectful for Erro to be using Kirby, who worked in American comics for over 50 years and created some of the most important work in the genre, to further his own career without at least mentioning that nearly every work shown is directly lifted from Kirby. Other comic artists are used as well, R. Crumb, John Byrne, both John and Sal Buscema to mention a few, and no credit is given. Erro's work is well done, it's just more the work of comic artists than it is his own.

  • Matthías Valdimarsson

    Matthías Valdimarsson


    MODERN art museum, nearly all shows will be by contemporary artists and you need to look into what show is going on, there is no big permanent show. Make sure you like the artist before wasting your time on something that doesn't appeal to you.

  • Pavel A

    Pavel A


    Beautiful building. However art is very strange, and very sparse. Ie. There would be a big room with a single projector, or a large room with a TV. A bit bare and not as beautiful.. .maybe I'm not that into modern art. :)

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