The Culture House - Museum í Reykjavík

ÍslandThe Culture House - Museum



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15, Hverfisgata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 530 2210
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1472802, Longitude: -21.9322281

athugasemdir 5

  • Björn Leifsson

    Björn Leifsson


    Vakkert hus med en kjempefin fremvisning av alslags islandske kulturskatter. Anbefaler kaffeen der.

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    Dan Minster


    When visiting Iceland, and Reykjavik in particular, the Culture House is a great place to start exploring the culture and history of the Icelandic people. The collection includes paintings, sculptures, and other works of art, alongside other cultural pieces. All of this is housed in an impressive building. Tips: free entry included with Reykjavik City Card; there are free lockers; set aside 1.5-2.5 hours here.

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    Mat Richardson


    Best to work your way down from the gallery on the top floor to the lesser historic pieces on the lowest level. The Culture House is an intriguing collection of Icelandic art and history, yet it comes across as somewhat of a mish-mash of ideas. The artwork on the top floor mostly relates to man and his relationship with the island, the ash and pumice often underfoot suspended on the walls or vivid volcanic displays. Yet, as you go down broader and less unique ideas are brought into play. Man and his relationship with death, for one. With a model of the young deceased next to a now much older descendant. The first floor is the most disappointing, though the former reading room is beautiful. Sparingly filled with old touristic leaflets, old books, and maps, it feels extremely empty. Compared to the upper floors it is disappointing, and as the material is away behind glass, somewhat dull. I'd recommend a visit to the Culture House, particularly in conjunction with the Icelandic National Museum, but I was in here for 45 minutes. It is not worth the lone visit, unless you are particularly interested in the artwork on the upper floors.

  • Matthías Valdimarsson

    Matthías Valdimarsson


    A great variety of small exhibitions but a general lack of focus and small size drag it down a point. The manuscripts make it unmissable though and being ticketed with the national museum makes it not so expensive as it first seems. Well worth a look if you have an hour to spare or are going to the national museum as well.

  • Melanie Galuten

    Melanie Galuten


    We visited here in April with two teens in tow and we all had a terrific time. We got to see a great sculpture exhibit. The building has been beautifully restored. Highly recommended.

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