RED Car Rental í Reykjavík

ÍslandRED Car Rental



🕗 opnunartími

12, Klettagarðar, 104, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 519 9300
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1550705, Longitude: -21.8696919

athugasemdir 5

  • Mathieu Thépaut

    Mathieu Thépaut


    RED is handled by Entreprise rent-a-car. They sent my voucher 48hrs after payment and only 18 minutes before due date. They never shew up at pick-up point and when I arrived by my own means at BSI terminal, they delivered the car 1hr late.

  • en

    Mariana Fenechiu


    Really good company,i really high recommend,we took the car for 2 days and was really cheap,but i advice everyone to take even the full insurance because you never know what can happens,with the full insurance you don't care about nothing. Really good costumer service,and please don't look about bad reviews,i did the same and i said i will risk to see if it's true,i was speak with them and the problem is everyone take the car without full insurance and if they brake something they don't want to pay,plus the company it's from USA which when you book the car the money don't go to Iceland it's going directly to the main office in USA,which they only handle the full insurance and what you broke to the car,for any cancellation or something like that they are not guilty with nothing. Regards , Mariana Fenechiu

  • Joakim Troëng

    Joakim Troëng


    Rented through RED, was handled by Enterprise. Handled badly.

  • Alessandro Pilati

    Alessandro Pilati


    Posizione a 20 minuti dal centro. Servizio ottimo dei ragazzi al desk. Prenotato tramite il loro sito sabato sera, il giorno dopo metto qualche firma veloce, pago ed in un attimo sono in strada. Al rientro facciamo i controlli del caso e tutto è ok. Se avessi fatto l'escursione del tour operator, avrei speso il doppio esatto.

  • Amy Daniels

    Amy Daniels


    Had a smooth experience throughout the rental process. Booked online and received a 10% discount for paying in advance. Pick-up at the BSI terminal was super convenient. I also liked that things like GPS, an extra driver, and gravel protection were included in the price (these were $10-15 add-ons at many of the budget options we looked at). The car they provided was very clean and in great condition, and the price we paid online was the total we were charged (no hidden fees). My only complaint is that their website said we could pick up at 7am but their office wasn't open until 8am. However, we were able to drop off at midnight since BSI is open 24/7. Overall, it was a great experience and I plan to rent from them again.

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